Caruso's Tribulus 3000

60t - $29.95

$29.95 INC. GST

Caruso’s Tribulus 30000 is a high strength formula containing the aphrodisiac herb Tribulus terrestris which enhances a healthy libido and maintains healthy sexual function.

It helps promote uterine health in women and regulates a healthy menstrual cycle. In men, it supports sperm health and testosterone level. Tribulus also supports nervous system health and function.

Caruso’s Tribulus 30000 uses both the fruit and the root of the Tribulus plant, both of which contain the bioactive component of the plant called protodioscin.

Active Ingredients. Each tablet contains:

Tribulus terrestris (Tribulus) ext. dry conc. 300mg

From min. dry fruit 15g (15000mg)

Std to Protodioscin 120mg

Tribulus terrestris (Tribulus) ext. dry conc. 300mg

From min. dry root 15g (15000mg)

Std to Protodioscin 120mg

Directions for Use

Adults: Take 1 tablet daily with food or as advised by your health professional.


• Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

• If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.

• Talk to a Ayurvedic health professional if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.

• Not recommended for use by pregnant or lactating women.

• If you are taking any medications or have any existing health conditions, always talk to your health professional

before use.

• Take at least two hours away from pharmaceutical medications.

Variants 60t